The Board of Supervisors meet twice per month. Their regular public meeting is held the first Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. in the Township Municipal Building Auditorium. Workshop meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Township Municipal Building Auditorium. Special meetings of the Board of Supervisors can be called at any time; all meetings are advertised in the Allegheny Times. Meeting agendas can be accessed here.
The Workshop Meeting
The workshop meetings are held so that Supervisors can review and discuss items on which action will be taken during the regular meeting. Please note, however, that action can be taken at any properly advertised meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Public comment on agenda and non-agenda items is welcome at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes are taken by the Township Manager’s administrative assistant, who records all formal actions taken by the Board as well as summarizes public comments and discussion.
The Workshop Meeting Agenda
The format of the agenda for the workshop meetings usually appears in the following order:
- -Executive Session (if needed)
- -Call to Order
- -Pledge of Allegiance
- -Roll Call
- -Public Comment on agenda and non-agenda items
- -Public Hearings (if needed)
- -Township Solicitor
- -Township Engineer
- -Township Manager reports
- -Additional Business
- -Minutes/Regular Meeting Agenda
The Regular Meeting
A majority of the actions taken by the Board of Supervisors are done so at the regular monthly meeting. Public comment on agenda action items is welcome at the beginning of the meeting. Comment on non-action items must be held until the end of the meeting. Public Hearings are recorded by a legal stenographer. Any individual wishing to speak about the Public Hearing must be sworn in by the stenographer. Minutes are taken by the Township Manager’s administrative assistant, who records all formal actions taken by the Board as well as summarizes public comments and discussion.
The Regular Meeting Agenda
The format of the agenda for the Regular Meeting usually appears in the following order:
- -Executive Session (if needed)
- -Call to Order
- -Pledge of Allegiance
- -Roll Call
- -Public comments on agenda action items
- -Approval of the minutes
- -Reports
- -Manager’s Update
- -Announcements
- -New Business: Public Hearings and Action Items
- -Unfinished Business: Action Items
- -Motion to pay the bills
- -Supervisors’ Comments
- -Public Comments
Public Hearing
Public Hearings are held for any amendment to the zoning and/or subdivision ordinance, any action on a Planned Residential Development or any request for Conditional Use Approval. A Public Hearing is a formal meeting held pursuant to public notice by the Township, intended to inform and obtain public comment prior to taking action. This part of a public meeting is more formal and requires specific legal proceedings.
Public Meeting
A Public Meeting is a meeting of the Board of Supervisors that has been advertised pursuant to the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act. The Act requires all public agencies to take all official actions and conduct all deliberations leading up to official actions at public meetings.
A quorum is a majority of board members. The Moon Township Board of Supervisors consists of five members, making it so that three members constitute a quorum. An affirmative vote of a majority of the enter Board of Supervisors at a public meeting is necessary in order to transact any business.
A motion is a verbal action taken by the Board. A motion must be seconded and approved by a majority of the Board for it to pass.
A resolution is a written action by the Board on a non-legislative matter.
An ordinance is a written action by the Board of a legislative nature and is required to be advertised in advance of the meeting at which it will be considered.
Executive Sessions
Executive Sessions are private meetings of the Board only in which they are permitted to discuss the following four topics: legal matters, personnel issues, negotiations and acquisition of land. All Executive Sessions are announced, including their person, by the Chairperson.
Minutes are taken of every public meeting and include the date, time and place of the meeting, the names of members present, the substance of all official actions and a record of roll call votes and the names of all citizens who appeared officially at the meeting as well as the subject of their testimony.
Township Solicitor
The Township Solicitor is appointed by the Board of Supervisors and must be licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Solicitor may be one person or a law firm, partnership, association or professional corporation. The Solicitor serves at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors.
Public Comment Period
The Public Comment Period is the time on the agenda where visitors can bring matters before the Board. Speakers are asked to sign in upon arrival and to be conscious of the limited time available.